Friday, November 16, 2007

News, DO we have ENOUGH time to ponder over them

In the state I am the past 2 and 1/2 months, I've been missing quite a few things that concerns me and the rest of the world. The one outside the NAVY. One of those is the ability to "freely" be informed on the latest developments on almost every subject, whenever and wherever I want to. So during my "vacations" I spend most of my time sitting in frond of my (excellent DELL 2007WFP) screen (if you won't praise your house...!!!) and reading everything, from the game industry to scientific achievements to domesticate problems. I don't think that I will be able to read, even superficial, what happened in the real world before the 2nd of November.
So this one raises one significant question:

News, DO we have ENOUGH time to ponder over them?

...and more significantly, DOES IT WORTH IT? What good does it make to know that Radiohead earned about 6 million $, by releasing their latest album over the internet under a shareware, kind of, license? Or that scientist are about to brake through the production of hydrogen from waste water by bacteria, so that it can be used in a mass scale (a kind of free- environmental friendly energy).

So, as all these information stacking in my brain, occupying free neuron cells and reforming or forming new synapses, between my nerve cells, do I have time, or will I ever be able, to brake down this information, deconstruct it and in consequence reconstruct this flood of information to knowledge, that can be used to make my life better, to know my rights, to brace myself for the future (I am denying to talk about the future of me as a worker in this country, considering the pensioning system, that competes on equal terms with the estimate Average life span.)?

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