Saturday, April 12, 2008

Good News

After years of struggling with supervisors about the minimum amount 0f time a person (that person is me) should spend in work, or working, or do anything but work, talk about work, and even dream of work, an article from lifedev, an internet site about the numerous ways to increase your productivity, by be focused on the work, who many times have I heard that single word, clearly argues for the exact opposite. Taking short, or long, brakes, letting your mind wonder, working but few hours per day, was common schedule, some of them never had one, of great people of world history.
What that article doesn't comment, but I hope that it implies it, is the fact that during the time we consider as working hours should be dedicated for that purpose.

1. Don’t work long hours (tell that to my supervisor)
2. Take breaks
3. Take even longer breaks (that one is my favorite)
4. Stop work and sit down for meals (I'm already into this one)
5. Don’t work in the afternoons (actually I'm trying not to work even in the morning)
6. Mix it up (done that)
7. Aim low (all I need is a roof above my head, a plate of food to eat, and a woman to love)
8. Take time to relax (isn't that one consistent with points 2,3,4,5?)
9. Get up early(?) (I couldn't argue more with question mark, but waking up early has some advantages, I can recall none of them right now, feel free to add some)
10. Exercise! (no comments)


Β. said...

Getting up early enables you to realize it's too early, so you can go back to sleep before it's too late.

Isn't that a good advantage?

trotos said...

well I could never get back to sleep if for I am asleep, witch means that even if a fall asleep, I would not enjoy it or even relax. So if I ever wake up early I would start my normal everyday activities...