Thursday, May 31, 2007


Two new entries in the music section, and also in reaction to the bittersweet band presented by sfiltros, the one and only editor of newslete, at the friends tag, I present 3 high speed groups that are located in my mp3, and damage my hearing for a few weeks.

After a long time (almost 2 years) a new album from Fu Manchu, titled "We Must Obey" not as good as the legendary "The Action Is Go", but a real butt kicker. Your day is just awful and want to kick your head somewhere? Go and headbanging with this album. It's pure unconditioned riffed-based-fuzzed-dirty-as-army-toilets hard rock. Top track for me "Moving On Stereo", there are a few elements from the old Black Sabbath in this track. Or I think so.

Next "Enter Shikari". A band consisted of "four standard geezers from St. Albans City, a standard area just north of London" that mixed hard-core, punk, heavy-metal and "καφριλα" (I luck of a proper translation) with electro, techno and other stuff. The result? Pure grade A', f#@$ing FUN. "χαβαλες" as usually referred by that name in Greece. But the guys don't lack of good melodies and great music. Tracks as "Return To Energizer" and "Adieu", give hope for those guys. Wish the best for them, and a real good fresh start.

And finishing with the announcing of the new album from THE GREATEST BAND ON EARTH, Q.O.T.S.A. (for the uninitiated "QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE"). The title of the new album is ERA VULGARIS. The words are meaningless, the feeling overwhelming, the hand is trembling, the mind loops back to the best concert ever, back at the glorious summer night of 15-06-2005. Enter the site watch/hear the single and beg for forgiveness for ever listening to Corrine Beilly Rae and Urbs (not bad for easy listening and pop stuff).
Sick, Sick, Sick the first single, into the darkness away from safety once more. When I get that album on my hands (and survive holding it) I will emerge from the hard-stoned-trip, stretch my head and write down a few things. But it will take some time...

...sick, sick, sick don't resist...

Jesus, I'm really hungry!!!!!!!!

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