Saturday, June 2, 2007


Ok people this is SERIOUS.

How many of you know about ?

Well, you should and I have to say that I was referred to it just yesterday. It is/was created by amalia kalyvinou and I found this blog important for reasons of ethics, of humanity of not going with the easy way. As far as I know, she had cancer (malignant tumor) at her leg. And I'm referring to her in past tense cause from 25/05/2007 she is no longer a stranger among us.

The short story is that from the age of 8 till the age of 26 she complained about pain in her leg. All the doctors mentioned at her blog failed in miraculous ways to diagnose the growing tumor. Until it was to late. But her suffering was never-ending. And even when the size of tumor was too great, some doctors (names and situations in the blog) refused to see the obvious. As she refused to bribe doctors for drags, chemicals, for even to diagnose the problem so that the treatment Will commence.

The tumor spread to her body...

Read her blog...

the story is not new but it is my first time reading them from a person how suffered from the medical/pharmaceutical system in Greece.

FOR THE NON GREEK READERS SORRY...but find someone to translate this one to you.

[EDIT] : no comments will be allowed for this post. Read her blog and write there, if you feel like it. No credits for me. She will never read your replies or your condolences, sad but true.

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Thursday, May 31, 2007


Two new entries in the music section, and also in reaction to the bittersweet band presented by sfiltros, the one and only editor of newslete, at the friends tag, I present 3 high speed groups that are located in my mp3, and damage my hearing for a few weeks.

After a long time (almost 2 years) a new album from Fu Manchu, titled "We Must Obey" not as good as the legendary "The Action Is Go", but a real butt kicker. Your day is just awful and want to kick your head somewhere? Go and headbanging with this album. It's pure unconditioned riffed-based-fuzzed-dirty-as-army-toilets hard rock. Top track for me "Moving On Stereo", there are a few elements from the old Black Sabbath in this track. Or I think so.

Next "Enter Shikari". A band consisted of "four standard geezers from St. Albans City, a standard area just north of London" that mixed hard-core, punk, heavy-metal and "καφριλα" (I luck of a proper translation) with electro, techno and other stuff. The result? Pure grade A', f#@$ing FUN. "χαβαλες" as usually referred by that name in Greece. But the guys don't lack of good melodies and great music. Tracks as "Return To Energizer" and "Adieu", give hope for those guys. Wish the best for them, and a real good fresh start.

And finishing with the announcing of the new album from THE GREATEST BAND ON EARTH, Q.O.T.S.A. (for the uninitiated "QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE"). The title of the new album is ERA VULGARIS. The words are meaningless, the feeling overwhelming, the hand is trembling, the mind loops back to the best concert ever, back at the glorious summer night of 15-06-2005. Enter the site watch/hear the single and beg for forgiveness for ever listening to Corrine Beilly Rae and Urbs (not bad for easy listening and pop stuff).
Sick, Sick, Sick the first single, into the darkness away from safety once more. When I get that album on my hands (and survive holding it) I will emerge from the hard-stoned-trip, stretch my head and write down a few things. But it will take some time...

...sick, sick, sick don't resist...

Jesus, I'm really hungry!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


OK, so after a long time let me write about a few things that raised my curiosity.

...In The Beginning

talking about billions of years before of our times, to be exact, 13.2 billion years ago, +/- a "few "million of years probably, a star was formed, now coded as HE 1523-0901. So what is the big deal?
Apart from the obvious and jaw drooping 13.2 BILLion YEARS?????????????OK let's see what I can come up with:
First concentration of metal is low ( I do not know the significant of that one, probably has to do with the age determination), it is located in the Milky Way (which has a diameter of around 100,000 light years, those are the years we are looking back to the past watching the far end of our galaxy), aaaaaand keep in mind that the BIG BANG is located like 13,7 billion years ago, this one is one of the oldest stars founded and still active (I cannot find its distance from earth, so I do not know how much back in time the good fellows looking at). Soooooooo, as physorg calls it, it is a true galactic fossil, alive and kicking.

Our beautifull "milky way" as seen from death valey in U.S.

The next one is just a note of something else I read at physorg.
SKorea's LG Philipps develops first A4 colour e-paper. No more paper, tons of it are going to waste anyway, so why produce more, I would love to have one of that in my pocket, full of newspapers, books, comics, art, anything... but hush my foolish heart, the time for revolution is not here yet!
For more technical data, as we read from
A4-sized rendition of the vivid bendable display has successfully been developed in its labs. The panel reportedly measures just 35.9-centimeters diagonally, is 0.3-millimeter thick, and can display up to 4,096 colors while maintaining the energy efficient qualities that inevitably come with using energy only when the image changes. Unsurprisingly, the company plans on marketing the device as one of convenience and doesn't hesitate to tout its greenness in the process, but unfortunately, it failed to mention when this would find its way out into the general public.

Next on somedayitwillbe...

Another scientific thing, and cosmology again from It's a vast and unknown universe (but sometimes is better to focus on the one we are standing on)

Those lovable darlings (who never misses a chance to attend a meeting, a scientific one, and get stoned/drunk at the dinner/parties) found out a planet coded GJ 436 with a four times the width of Earth surrounded by "hot ice". An exotic form of water that although it is under 300° C or more the gravity keeps it in "liquid" form.


About another thing I wanted to talk about is the finding of female sharks that are able to fertilize themselves, without the need of a male, a PURE PARTHENOGENESIS. The offsprings are genetically identical to their mother. And I quote:
Mahmood Shivji -- Nova Southeastern's Guy Harvey Research Institute director and one of the paper's authors -- said that he and his colleagues determined that a byproduct formed when sharks produce eggs, known as a sister polar body, had fused with an unfertilized egg to produce the baby shark, whose DNA had only half as much genetic variability as the mother.

"Yes, indeed this is a virgin birth," Shivji said in an interview, adding that this could help explain why other sharks have suddenly been born in captivity, like a bamboo shark that appeared in Detroit's Belle Isle Aquarium in 2002.

"We have now demonstrated that sharks are actually able to use an alternative, previously unknown reproductive pathway, which is parthenogenesis. The problem here is that this alternative reproductive pathway results in offspring that have much lower genetic diversity," he said.

That's all for now folks. It's 00:05 and I need FOOD, and a beer but the fridge is empty. CRAP, pfffffffffffffff